Add New Address Book popup form - now supports Delivery, Accounts and Registered Office details
Address Book and Transport Book - What3Words field added to Delivery Address for Companies
Availability engine tweaks now allows Gantt chart to account for raised available for Rental type caused by Sales Orders
Sales Orders with a List Mode set to 'Purchase linked rental equipment (only predicts rental availability)' can fall outside the scope of the Gantt chart date range ( Sales Order receive in Date is in the future but before the Rental list that the user is drilling down on; so it's not possible to see the Sales Orders in the Gantt that are contributing to the availability of the rental type. An option to "Purchase linked rental equipment (only predicts rental availability)" in the Gantt allows the user to see the availability if Sales Order stock level predications are ignored.
Config Book - Feature Groups. Simplify access rights options for areas where ON or OFF only applies
Create/Edit/Read Only drop down editors for feature areas where these nuances are not implemented are now changed to standard checkboxes, with the feature either on or off for the specified Feature Group. Less confusing for user and representative of how the program actually works.
Email - Authentication fails if users authenticate against one email address but attempt to send email using a different one.
Enhanced Crew - editing or creating shifts significantly faster on jobs with many "Roles"
Users have reported that if a job has many Roles (rows on the spreadsheet user interface) then editing or creating just a single shift can take a long time to process. The code logic for this now speeds this up significantly
Enhanced Crew - expose current the Ctrl+A shortcut for selecting all shifts in an Area, Role, Day or Activity with context menu
Enhanced Crewing - indicate where scheduled accommodations costs are less than the actual purchased accommodation costs.
Enhanced Crewing - Invoice & Order Wizards now have improved sort order options for the Detail records
Extra checklist panel offers 4 options (Role, Person, Cost Centre & Position) and allows user to control what to sort by (i.e. what is checked) and in what priority (user can drag to rearrange options). If a sorting priority is selected then the text for the data will be added to the the Detail record, e.g. the Person's name.
Equipment List - Edit menu now has option to move selected lines to another Section
Equipment List - Grid Footer now displays how many rows (equipment bookings) are on the list
Equipment List - if part of a Virtual Warehouse project the warehouse source can be toggled between VW and real WH
Equipment List - option added to mark multiple records as Flagged in a single action
User can now use the web-style checkboxes to select multiple records and then click the "Set as Flagged" buttons to quickly update these records. There is also the same facility to remove multiple flagged records
Equipment List - View menu introduced, allow user to toggle how they would like the new style multi-notes column displayed
Equipment List - Web style checkboxes replace Multi-select option
This provides a more intuitive way to select multiple records for various operations, such as copying to the Clipboard, and doesn't require the user to enter "Multi-Select Mode"
Equipment List and Ops Notes - FreeText description background coloured to make them more obvious to user
Equipment Lists Availability GANTT chart - option to view Subhires split into the date ranges of equipment lists they service
An option to toggle the view of subhires so that instead of, say, 1 long 3 month subhire bar, show it as the multiple lists that it is allocated to, so coloured as a subhire, but with the rental dates, the allocation Qty, and both the subhire and rental refs.
Also, when toggled back to the current view, order the display of the rental lists so that they appear immediately under the subhire that is supplying them.
General - Send Database to support now uses ZIP rather than CAB
General - What's New form now displays the new features in this version
General Returns - Traffic light indicators added so that users know if a Return / Check In is complete
Inventory Book - Audit Page. Option to batch dispose of barcoded items by importing from a text file.
So a list of barcodes that are no longer needed can be exported from the Stock Check facility or a QBE etc and then imported for batch disposal.
The disposal process traps any issues and errors with the items and so only those items that can be disposed of will be. A full, user friendly report on any issues found during the analysis and disposal is presented to the user at the end, with more export options. Finally, the entire process can be undone as it it logged with notes and user ID should the wrong list of barcodes be imported or for any other reason
Inventory Book - Changing fields that need to update Sort should execute in background thread
Inventory Book - Generics & Similars page. Search combo and grid now indicates the Equipment Class, e.g. Rental, Sales, etc
Inventory Book - Items Page, Manage Barcodes, Barcodes editor, usability improvements
Select column header toggles the checkbox status of each row in the grid
The "Post On Enter" checkbox is sticky and hint now gives tip to user on when it should be checked.
Inventory Book - Items page. Component barcodes grid now shows a total of allocated barcodes
Inventory Book - Items page. Composite tab font colouring enhancements
Inventory Book - Items page. Delete button for an item is permanently visible to avoid confusing user
Inventory Book - Items Page. Equipment Type and Class now included in item details
Inventory Book - Items page. Now possible to change the Barcode Type if accidentally created incorrectly
If editing of this type is applicable (e.g. it's NOT a composite) then the user can now freely toggle between Owned, Consigned and Floating and behind the scene the audit trail and all the links back to the Item.nx1 table will created in accordance with the appropriate logic for the Barcode Type, taking into account what it was before and what it has become. A log of the action and the date it occurred is also written to the Item.Notes field, and the Audit Reference also logs the transformation action.
Inventory Book - sticky filters for Type Page (visibility) and Items Page (Status)
Inventory Book - Stock Manage form with barcode totals redesigned to show more details on commission status, etc
Job Book - Finances Page. "Hide Zero Amounts Only Rows" checkbox now "sticky" between sessions
Job Book - Grids on the Equipment, Crew (Legacy), Transport and Misc Cost pages save user preference for columns
Visibility, position and sorting order now saved if the user changes them. Each grid has a "reset" button for the grid navigation panel to restore the design time defaults
Job Book - Handler, Sales Person and Crew Coordinator. Show NON active users at bottom of drop down in strikethru font
Job Book - Rental Page. Jobs that belong to a Virtual Warehouse project gain a Source Warehouse column
Jobs - option to "Archive" a job added. Archived jobs, optionally don't appear in the Jobs Search form
removes the possibility of users seems similarly referenced or titled jobs when searching or invoking predefined views
Late Returns - Advanced Filtering box permanently visible rather than only after a column filter has been set
Allows the user to filter with complex expressions, e.g. Quantity > Barcoded and Barcoded > 0
Late Returns - Return All Skips Barcodes now processes lines the Qty ONLY part of lines that are partially barcoded
Locate Job, Projects and CRM Forms - the "New.." button only present menu option if a Book of the matching type is open
User no longer presented with a menu to specify if new job etc open in an existing book or new book if they isn't any (Job etc) book open.
Logistics Book - Planning Page - option to include Q+ statuses in the data retrieved for availability added
Low Memory Mode for RDP & Thinfinity Users
If running in either of these environments HireTrack NX will no longer store its cached lookup table data in memory, but instead will page to disk. This can potentially save hundreds of megabytes of memory usage and if many users are running on an application server then the saving can run to gigabytes. The small overhead in using a page file is vastly outweighed by the gains in overall performance across the system and reduces the need to purchase extra memory to cope with busy periods. If any significant unanticipated performance reduction is experienced this option can turned off by System Admins via the Help & Support page.
Operations Note - add Select column to On This Note tab so that multiple records can be unprocessed from Clear button
Operations Note - efficiency enhancements added to prevent delays when switching away from a Note to another form
new framework designed to inform "traffic light showing" forms that they have to refresh their traffic light display if changes to the traffic light status of the Ops Note has changed. This will reduce the pause experienced by the user in the older design when leaving an ops note to view another form
Operations Notes - View menu introduced, allow user to toggle how they would like the new style multi-notes column displayed
POs and Invoices - improved performance in generation
Prep Note - Option added to "Disable Target Scanning".
Although useful in many circumstances the default of "Target Scanning" being on all the time can result in barcodes being assigned to the wrong composite case when Auto RoadCase handling has resulted in a composite roadcase being split on the prep note. Turing off "Target Scanning" means that the scan engine alone is responsible for assigning the component barcode to the correct composite case.
Prep Note - when Case IDs are manually created then scanning to line that needs a new case, e.g. a split gives better feedback
Project Book - option to Delete donor lists if they have no warehouse stages started
Project Book - Option to fill a virtual warehouse from a Global Subhire added
This short-circuits the need to subhire in to the donor warehouse in order to then go on to donate the subhired stock to the virtual warehouse (VW). Greater clarity and more direct.
These Global Subhires appear in the Warehouse book with appropriate labelling to indicate that they are supplying a VW
Project Book- Option to toggle between Virtual Warehouse and General Project if no donor lists created yet
QBE Parameter form displays lookup in internal index order
Repair Book - allow the Warehouse for repair to be edited if it is not barcoded
Repair Book - when "completing" a repair an option to transfer between Warehouses for repair and repairing is offered
Reporting - Export to Word (doc and DOCX) now supported
If DOC selected then the "exact" format with Text Boxes is used; of DOCX then the out put is editable (text boxes not supported in that format)
Reporting - Report Explorer. Display the report's menu caption on the status bar of the Report Explorer form
Returns Note - Column indicating how many units were subhired in for each row
Useful to know how many returning need to go back to a supplier
Sites and Warehouses - Display Order field added to Configuration form, which then determine the order everywhere in NX
Stock Check - context menu options added to export lower grid data to Excel and HTML for first two tabs
Stock Check - Grid for Actions & Resolutions now has Group By box and web style multi-select checkboxes
makes it easier for user to target specific types or jobs etc and quickly select multiple records
Stock Check - option to export selected barcodes to a text file
File format is simple: a barcode string on its own line. Could be used for bulk disposals or similar actions
Subhire Allocations - the Quantity that can be allocated to multiple Rentals is no longer cumulative taking returns into account
Now a 3 month subhire can be allocated to many more rentals as the date range of the rentals are used to determine if the Qty allocated is back in time to allow a Qty to be allocated to another rental. More useful for Global Subhires, but applies to Job Subhires too.
Subhires - "Hide Fully Allocated Shortages Indications" checkbox result in short lines NOT being red if they are fully allocated
Even though the availability figure is global to the entire list, if a line is fully subhired then it can't be short and the is no need to draw attention to it, allowing the user to focus on other shortgages
Subhires - an extra button in the Unit Price field allows user to pop up details of most recent prices paid from suppliers
Options include how many most recent prices to see and if to focus on current supplier or all suppliers
Testing - Improvements to User Interface / layout for a more intuitive and consistent experience
Testing - Seaward Apollo extended / custom tests supported and results displayed for analysis.
In addition to an overall pass / fail, all the extended tests data is imported and displayed on a Seaward SSS tab on the Results page.
Testing - Seaward Apollo files can included captured images of the tested item and these are imported if found
Results page now has an Images tab to display all images stored against a barcoded item
Testing - Support for importing PAT result from a file generated by the Seaward Apollo Tester now supported
Transport Book - option to specify what address type (Main, Delivery etc) is used for the Delivery Address.
Transport Page - Purchase Orders. Now possible to append to any PO on the job raised to the same supplier
This has been possible to date ONLY if no POs linked to the current transport request were found; now all POs linked to the same supplier are listed, linked to the current transport request or not.
User Groups & Features - Jobs. Option to control whether user can create a job added
Warehouse Operations - Pending barcodes where user can pick rather than scan made a security feature
Workflows - Output images to guide users through a workflow wizard now have a drill down option to enlarge the picture