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Email Settings

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At various times the server needs to communicate with the Administrator to warn them of a problem or to inform them of an update. This is done via Email.

The server will communicate directly with your SMTP server to send these emails.


Notification Email To


The email address that the email will be delivered to. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.


Notification Email From


The email address of the email's sender


SMTP Server


The Address of your SMTP server.




The port used for SMTP traffic. 25 is the default.


SMTP Authentication


satNone - No Authentication will be used

satDefault - Plain text authentication will be used.

satSASL - Simple authentication and security layer will be used - see Wikipedia.
This is the recommended Authentication type - it allows the NX Server and the SMTP server to automatically negotiate which authentication method will be used.




The username required to connect to the SMTP server if authentication is used.




The password required to connect to the SMTP server if authentication is used.




Checking the Test box and pressing the Save changes button will result in a test email being sent. The communication with the server will be logged and will be displayed in the Last Test Log box

Note: When Testing, SMTP access is logged to <My Documents>\NXServer_SMTP.log